Is it Possible to Clean My Windows with Tap Water?
Have you ever cleaned your windows and seen water spots or streaks afterward? It might not have been your technique – it may have had to do with the type of water you used. Tap water may be ok to drink, but adding it to a solution for cleaning windows is different.
The pollutants that enter the water supply to clean the windows are visible in Windows. What’s the point of washing windows when they still appear dirty after you’re done? Find out why tap water isn’t ideal for cleaning glass and what else can be used to clean it like a professional.
Why Tap Water Isn’t Best for a Window Cleaner
Although it may appear clean, tap water has hidden minerals that can make your windows look blurry. The amount of minerals in tap water varies depending on geographical location. For example, West Coast residents typically have higher taps containing calcium, magnesium, sodium, and copper than people living elsewhere in the U.S., while those residing in the South usually experience moderate to low mineral content levels.
The level of acidity in tap water is another factor that makes it unsuitable for window cleaning. When the pH is high, it doesn’t adhere to particles as effectively as it should, making dirt and grime removal difficult. A water softener may help decrease the pH level and make it easier to remove grease from windows, but it does not eliminate all of the silt that causes water spots and streaks.
So, what should you use? Is distilled water good for cleaning windows? Because distilling involves evaporating water and capturing the condensation—which completely separates the minerals from the water—it’s a great way to purify tap water at home.
How to Purify Tap Water for Window Cleaning
The cleanest windows come from purified tap water. At home, you can distill your water, install a reverse osmosis system, or invest in an ionizing machine or bio-ceramic filter.
What Streak-Free Windows Every Time?
If you’d rather spend your time and energy on something more fun than producing your own purified water, contact Ambassador Window Cleaning for expert window cleaning services. We excel at making windows sparkle inside and out. To discover more, give us a call or fill out our quote form right now.